Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Feeling Blah and other Tuesday confessions

Today is my Monday.  All the other normal people start back to work on Mondays and have their weekends off.  No, not me.  I work Tuesday through Saturday and feel like I live in a closet.  It seems so mundane at times to work on Saturdays when everyone else is home having breakfast with thier family or watching cartoons with the kids, or going to the Farmers or Flea Market.  No not me, I sit at this desk waiting tentively for the phone to ring or some warm body to walk through the door.  Often times, I wait and wait, with no luck.  But, for every beginning this needs to happen, it will all change one day and I will wish it back to the way it was.  I guess that is what I am getting at.  When will I find happiness in just being?  When will my life be the way I think it should or could be?  When will I stop wanting what I do not have and live for the moment and in it?  Sometimes I think I know the answer, other times I want to scream and yell and kick my feet!  I guess what I am trying to say is, yeah, I know I need to trust in the Lord, and be patient and all that good stuff.  But sometimes my wiring does not allow it, so when am I ever gonna be happy??????  Maybe I need a wiring change?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

We had a great July 4th party at my sister's house.  She worked so hard and made her house and yard simply beautiful.  Although it already was!  But she did so much to get ready to see family we had not seen in close to 14 years, it turned out amazing sister!  I was more than thrilled to spend time with our dad's family and have all my dad's sister's and brother in one place, along with some of their children.  All of our amazing friends and family brought covered dishes and deserts which were to die for!  The Buffalo chicken dip, the heavenly brownies, the potato salad, and the baked beans were among my favorites!  Thanks everyone for celebrating our independence together, I love you all so much more than you will ever know.  And thanks again sister for such a wonderful place to share all of this with!  Your hard work paid off with the lights over the pergola, the outside seating and dining areas that were just magnificent.  My baby sis, Miss Martha I call her!
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Saturday, July 2, 2011

I am..............a mother, a wife, a farmer, and happy for the most part.

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Thursday, June 30, 2011

When you love your husband

Everyday life can sometimes feel so mundane.  Your married life, your kids, your housework, your caring of the animals, watering the garden, on and on it goes.  But let me say this.  That is what keeps you grounded to the earth and to the life you are to lead.  When I get out of sorts, out of routine that is, my life seems almost messed up, like I am living in the fog.  With a routine, I am kept just under the clouds.  Happiness it seems comes truly by the simple things in life.  Looking at your kids, the ones that are grown and finding complete satisfaction in the fact that they are great people and turned out to be awesome adults.  Cooking supper to nourish the bodies and souls of the ones we love the most.  Those are the things that I cherish.  A simple text message from my husband saying he loves me.  That is all I need in life.  As long as those I love the most are healthy and happy, then so am I.  Thank you dear Lord for all my blessings, I truly appreciate all you do for me and mine. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

My mom emailed me these great pictures of me and Lauren and Kyle, how amazingly beautiful those people are........

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I just love my flowers all over the yard, I love to wake up and see new buds on my rose bush!  Makes me happy, good to know the simple things are the things that make me most happy!

Getting lots of canning done

I have been getting alot of canning done here recently.  I added stewed tomatoes, salsa, pickled peppers to my already pickled watermelon rind and peach preserves.  I want to have more done before my parents get here so we can have lots of yummy snacks for outside under the tree while they are here for July 4th!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This is why you do not buy eggs to incubate off EBAY!! None of them hatched, they were supposed to be Brown Leghorns and Colored Dorkings, NOT A ONE!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Chicks Hatching in the incubator

All my orpingtons did great, however, the dorkings and brown leghorns not so good, so far none of them have hatched and they were a day or two ahead of the orpingtons!  So disappointing to order eggs off ebay and this is what you get!  My orpingtons came from a lady I met through craigslist in Virginia, I think they were handled and wrapped much better, so disappointing to pay good money for something and not get what you expect!  I wrote the two members on ebay, we will see what happens next.........  but overall, I am so excited that I have 10 orpingtons, that makes 10 Javas, 10 Delaware pullets, and 10 orpingtons!  Even numbers, good for the soul!  I love my life...............

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Much needed rain

Yesterday we got some much needed rain which made the chores much easier this morning.  No watering needed for any of the gardens.  I have okra, cucumber, blackberry, and sweet maryjane seeds planted in 6 packs, the okra and cucumbers, no problems, they are already huge and growing.  Sweet maryjane and blackberry, we are still awaiting your entrance.  It is amazing to watch the process from seed to plant.  Every morning I wake up to walk outside and lay my eyes on my Coltyn, my geese and the seeds progress.  It is amazing the great joy you can find in such small things.  When you think you have it all figured out, along comes nature, and makes you see that things work out the way they should.  We don't always understand, but one day it just suddenly hits us.  I am truly blessed with a wonderful man I stay in love with and seven amazing children, not perfect, but amazing people and my little farm.  Thank you dear father for what you continue to bless me with.  I am humbled by your existence daily. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The chicks getting sun and Coltyn is HOME!!!!

What a great weekend, got the garden stuff planted, the chicks enjoyed the bright sunshine and most of all, Coltyn is home with me!  The geese are keeping him company quite nice.  Such a spoiled boy he is!  We planted a kitchen herb garden right off the side deck and changed the outdoor furniture all around.  Life is so good!  All the plants are growing, the sun is shining, my kids and animals are healthy and happy, what more could a person ask for?  God Bless us all!  Thank you so much for our blessings!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

When my son buys veggie plants with his money, we know we are creating a lasting impression!

My cell phone just rang and it was my son calling from his dads phone, he said "mommy, guess what I bought with my money?"  I listened for at least five minutes straight about how he got sweet potato plants and some flowering shrub he tried pronouncing after leaving Tractor Supply.  And he only spent $4.20, so not only did he buy plants, but he got a deal on them too!  You go son! 

Java Chicks are doing great

My new flock of 10 Java chicks came from Deborah over at High Ground Farm in Duncan and boy are they plump healthy little ones!  She raises some quality birds!  Her place is amazing, it has taken her 30 years of doing one thing at a time so she tells me to get it there.  She has amazing heirloom tomato fields going, and her kitchen garden is full of peas on trellis's and yummy goodies she eats on every night.  I was just so taken back by her style of living, she was country, when country was not cool!  So urbany and earthy!  Thanks Deb!