Thursday, June 30, 2011

When you love your husband

Everyday life can sometimes feel so mundane.  Your married life, your kids, your housework, your caring of the animals, watering the garden, on and on it goes.  But let me say this.  That is what keeps you grounded to the earth and to the life you are to lead.  When I get out of sorts, out of routine that is, my life seems almost messed up, like I am living in the fog.  With a routine, I am kept just under the clouds.  Happiness it seems comes truly by the simple things in life.  Looking at your kids, the ones that are grown and finding complete satisfaction in the fact that they are great people and turned out to be awesome adults.  Cooking supper to nourish the bodies and souls of the ones we love the most.  Those are the things that I cherish.  A simple text message from my husband saying he loves me.  That is all I need in life.  As long as those I love the most are healthy and happy, then so am I.  Thank you dear Lord for all my blessings, I truly appreciate all you do for me and mine. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

My mom emailed me these great pictures of me and Lauren and Kyle, how amazingly beautiful those people are........

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I just love my flowers all over the yard, I love to wake up and see new buds on my rose bush!  Makes me happy, good to know the simple things are the things that make me most happy!

Getting lots of canning done

I have been getting alot of canning done here recently.  I added stewed tomatoes, salsa, pickled peppers to my already pickled watermelon rind and peach preserves.  I want to have more done before my parents get here so we can have lots of yummy snacks for outside under the tree while they are here for July 4th!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This is why you do not buy eggs to incubate off EBAY!! None of them hatched, they were supposed to be Brown Leghorns and Colored Dorkings, NOT A ONE!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Chicks Hatching in the incubator

All my orpingtons did great, however, the dorkings and brown leghorns not so good, so far none of them have hatched and they were a day or two ahead of the orpingtons!  So disappointing to order eggs off ebay and this is what you get!  My orpingtons came from a lady I met through craigslist in Virginia, I think they were handled and wrapped much better, so disappointing to pay good money for something and not get what you expect!  I wrote the two members on ebay, we will see what happens next.........  but overall, I am so excited that I have 10 orpingtons, that makes 10 Javas, 10 Delaware pullets, and 10 orpingtons!  Even numbers, good for the soul!  I love my life...............